Background Checking Services
(Please visit Forms for links to applicable regulations)
Classes and Training
- AIRS University: see Course Schedule
- IET: Sexual Harassment Prevention Training via video, CD, online or customized live seminars
- StaffingU: core sales and recruiting skills courses taught via live teleconferences
Career Tips
Published each 1st and 3rd Saturday
Get your 3-minute dose of career advice.
Recruiting Tips
Published each 2nd and 4th Saturday
Get your 3-minute nudge on practicals.
Vocabulary Builder
No matter which week it is, at least three terms (or names) are produced. Show off your knowledge and add the definition(s)
/ identity(ies) yourself.
Get the research you need to ensure you make the right decision. Buyer Zone offers an interesting interactive profile that allows you to input your wish list. What you derive is a list of matches and
Also visit the "Recruiting" aisle of the Library's Books.
Applicant Tracking Systems
Make More Placements with this FREE Download
Powerful, easy-to-use, affordable applicant and job tracking software for Recruiters and HR. Download a free trial and see
how the Recruiting Wizard can help you. Visit this link to see how this applicant tracking program can improve your bottom line.
Professional Associations

Also see the Forms page for HR forms and resources.
Professional Networking
Business and Recruitment Network
This is a new (May 2007) network started by UK moderator Simon Benford. Although its progeny is in the UK, it is an international
hub and the quality of the connections is very worth the endeavor for relationship building.
Ethics in Recruiting
Ethics professionals and employment industry professionals come together to examine the issues, compare systems, determine
existing and proposed standards, governance and enforcement protocols. It is expected that there will be online meetings every
two months in addition to BB discussions.
L.A. Metro Recruiting Network
Network with human capital professionals via BB discussions, online chats, and alternating live and online meetings that feature
informational / educational content in addition to opportunities to meet other professionals and business owners.
Pre-register for the next meeting
Enter Recruiting Corner online meeting chat room for Employment Industry professionals' online meetings.
* Please allow at least 5 minutes before start time to register if you are not already a member of the Forum.
Online Networking for Jobs and Recruiting
This is truly an amazing international network. Ray van den Bel, based in the Netherlands, has created and supplied all types
of Web 2.0 and 3.0 tools, widgets, and wikis for the benefit of his global network of job seekers and recruiters. Optimizing
the Groups function, he has several that are quite vibrant; they cater to the many subject matter interests of the recruiters
and offer the big bite effect. Go there. You'll be glad you're part of the talent.
Recruiting Network
Social networking for recruiters is what the tag line says. It started as a social networking site for independents. But Craig
Silverman, Eric Cullen, and Andrew Stock (busiest guys I know), made it more than just for independents and more than just
social networking. Go over there and take a look. Craig promises this will a site where the great quality of people will absolutely
drown out everything otherwise.
Splits Networks
Hybrids - A new concept in splits is "referrals." Referrals create a win-win-win situation. You have a job that needs to be filled.
You post it. Someone sees your posting or knows you and the ideal candidate. They refer the candidate. You hire them. Your
referrer gets the referral bonus. And if there's more than one referrer, the bonus is split among them. A more academic explanation
of the process can be found in the White Paper. View the tour to learn more about referral networks.
For additional splits networks (or to include one you know of), please go to the Splits Networks posting in the Bulletins.