- Abbott and Langer
One of the Cadillac sites for Salary and Benefits Survey Reports.
Subscription based after a free 14-day trial period. Provides comparison figures for different parts of the country and other
valuable information.
- Career Bank
Year 2002 salaries for various accounting positions.
- Economic Research Institute
Find estimated mean salaries for the year 2018 in more than 4,700 occupations.
- Economic Research Institute's Surveys and Sources
International, U.S. and Canadian salary surveys and estimators in addition to links to other suites of tools for calculating
salary and gaining vital decision-making information about other locations.
- The Personal Salary Report
Another tool that can be found on this site is a salary calculator that bases its response on profession, industry and location.
EE Times - Special Reports
Salary surveys for the engineering and technical management industries.
Also visit the Salary Survey Archives for 1996 to 1999 in order to compare trends.
Electronic Business News
A salary calculator specifically focused on Purchasing careers. There's an explanation of how to use the calculator. The database
contains not only ballpark figures for salaries but interviews as well.
- 2004 Results
- Information Week
Salary calculator for the IT industry. Data is based on a survey with 25,000 responses. Searches are broken down by management
or staff classifications for compensation by:- job function
- job title
- best payiing locations
- best paying industries
Salary Calculators
You will find these very useful salary calculators allow you to compare salaries in one area to another, in addition to several
other tools.
- Salaries Review
A review of Occupational Employment Statistics for beginning wage and salary data relating to anyplace in the United States.
Also provides links to:
- U.S./Canada Wage & Salary
- U.S./Canada Cost-of-Living
- U.S./Canada Employee Benefit
- International Remuneration
- International Cost-of-Living
- SalaryTrax
A suite of tools to help discern the optimal salary package, career progression indicators, and a job tracker that matches
the candidate with the opportunities in that salary and career range.
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Wages by Area and Occupation
Information broken down as aggregate national, regional, states and metropolitan areas.