Forecasting Budgets
By Norman Moore (© 2001 - 2001 Listen & Live Audio)
Read by Grover Gardner (Amer.)
Learn the 25 keys to preparing operating and financial budgets, including forecasting costs, revenues and profits in the short
and long-term, understanding costs and revenue behavior, and building financial models.
FORECASTING BUDGETS is part of THE NEW YORK TIMES POCKET MBA SERIES, a 12-volume reference tool for all businesspersons. Each
volume written by professors from top graduate business schools and edited by the NEW YORK TIMES business editors, presents
25 key principles of specific areas of business enterprise.
Analyzing Financial Statements
By Eric Cpa Press ( 2000 Listen & Live Audio)
Read by Jeff Woodman (Amer.)
Part of the New York Times Pocket MBA Series, ANALYZING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS is for a reference tool for both the beginning
and experienced business person. A short course on how to approach an annual report, key concepts are explained in an easy
to understand format. From balance sheets to income statements, learn the keys to unlocking the powerful and useful information
buried in common financial statements.
Going Global
By Jefferey H. Bergstrand
Read by Jeff Woodman (Amer.)
Learn the 25 keys to building awareness of new brands and learn the secrets of forceful advertising and marketing strategies.
SALES & MARKETING is part of THE NEW YORK TIMES POCKET MBA SERIES, a reference series easily accessible to all businesspeople,
from entry-level managers to the executive suite. The 12-volume series is written by Ph.D.s who teach in the finest graduate
business programs in the country and is edited by business editors from THE NEW YORK TIMES. The structure of each volume presents
an unparalleled synopsis of crucial principles of specific areas of business expertise.