With the importance of communicating effectively on an international basis, why not download a translator for easy access
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Happy Independence! Happy Bastille Day! Happy Fourth of July! Happy Birthday to ... oh, I'm sorry. There I go getting carried
away again. Even though the United States was founded on the principles of liberty and freedom for all, the women of Pennsylvania
had to sacrifice their suffrage in order for this "perfect Union" to be formed. Women have made major sacrifices throughout
the ages. Although many have benefited from those sacrifices and the background preparation, those sacrifices are seldom remembered.
In spite of the Women's Liberation Movement, the progress has been slow.
Work on this edition of the Entrances Update began at the end of May while I was sitting in the Borders book store poring
over some titles from the Business section. One of them was Beyond Superwoman by Karin Strausser Kauffman and Peggy Downes
Baskin. "That's right," I thought, "There's been emphasis on a lot of different special interests in the past three months.
But it doesn't seem that I've given highlight to women aspiring to be managers."
Mind you, the intent has been there for a very long while. One of the reasons I picked up the copy of Female Advantage by
Sally Helgesen was because women who have succeeded in leadership and/or management needed to be highlighted. Examples needed
to be held out for others to see and modeled. But that read was nearly a year ago.
Also driving the content of this issue were two questions I asked of several recruiting, management, and human resource professionals
venues. The answers came streaming in from nearly every site. They came from both men and women in the form of testimonials,
tips, advice, and referrals to reading material that can be used as coaching tools when the coach isn't around.
This edition is long overdue. While primarily about women, management and leadership, other matters worth your attention are
also included, as usual.
While this was supposed to be the July issue, many things came up. So it became the July-August edition. More things
came up. It's still the July-August edition, even though this is now early September. If you have difficulty reading the emailed
version, you can visit the site and read online by accessing the July-August 2005 issue after September 15.
And the September issue is under preparation even as we speak. It's focus will be workplace and interview attire.
Comments? I'm certain you have some. Let me hear from you!
Borders was the genesis of the initial three reads for
this Update.
Beyond Superwoman: 25 Top CEOs Show Us How to Get a Life
by Karin Strasser Kauffman and Peggy Downes Baskin
ISBN 1-886312-20-6 - $18.00
The duo plunges into the jungles of Silicon Valley to interview and then profile the women powerfuls of the region. I got
so caught up in the stories of each woman, the lessons each learned, the strategies each uses -- that apply to all women in
the workplace -- that I quite literally forgot to take notes. Several times, I found myself laughing out loud (do you think
that may be why the man sitting next to me got up and moved away?) because the discussions about fatigue and realizing that
you must take a break (and even a vacation) hit so squarely on the mark.
Organization and structuring activities around the skeleton of a day plan seemed to be the themes that ran through each profile.
The means of execution, the priorities, are stories worth reading in order to see what worked for each personality type. And
that is another thing that the authors present is a subtle yet meaningful way -- the personality of each woman. Included in
the personality profiles is discussion of what appears to be the woman's grooming style, style of speech, mannerisms.
The Web Conferencing Book
by Sue Spielman and Liz Winfeld
ISBN 0-8144-7174-9 - $24.95
I flipped through a few pages of a few chapters and was very impressed. If you want an authoritative, unbiased review of web
conferencing tools, options, business case analysis for delivery, appendix of delivery sites and reviews, PLUS explanation
of what all of this is, then this IS the book to add to your shelf.
The Appendix also includes an assessment tool to help you sensibly go through the evaluation process. The evaluation process
includes whether you should do this on your own or get an IT pro to work with you, consider how to get upper management buy-in
and support, and how to do it. Appendix C covers pricing issues. Are you aware that certain standard programs on your computer
can be used as conferencing tools?
How'd they do all of that!?! They did the research by first using the most logical search terms, then narrowed the results.
Did you know that Amazon is a good place to look for resources?
The Rookie Manager: A Guide to Surviving Your First Year in Management
by Joseph T. Straub
ISBN 0-8144-7060-2 $15.00
A quick perusal of this one showed that it's a great guide and reminder about the essentials of the job and what to do. Even
if you're a veteran manager, this is a helpful tool to have close at hand.
A few recommendations from those surveyed include:
There are some great books on this subject. Take a look at "Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office" by Lois Frankel,[available
on eBooks.com] and "Why Good Girls Don't Get Ahead... But Gutsy Girls Do : Nine Secrets Every Working Woman Must Know" by
Kate White and "How to Say It For Women: Communicating with Confidence and Power Using the Language of Success" by Phyllis
from Beth Vuolo, PHR
One of the best books I've ever read on this subject is, 'Play Like A Man, Win Like A Woman' by Gail Evans who is an
executive vice president at CNN. If you have time to have a quick read, it's an excellent reference guide on the subject and
is a must-read for every woman who wants to leverage her power in the workplace.
from Amber O'Reilley
For additional recommendations from the professionals,
read "Recommended Readings on Leadership."
Entrances Chat Room
For job seekers and those working on career development issues. Come here on the first and third Saturday of each month at
10 a.m. Pacific Time for a 30-minute session to go over your career and search strategies.
Hire Talk
The room for Employment Industry professionals and the Los Angeles Metro [recruiters] group to meet for networking meetings.
"The Desk" is back, but now in the style of a blog
The "Available" folder was eliminated due to lack of use
"Ask Yvonne" (the free question you can ask; the answer will be shared with the rest of the Forum visitors) is still
alive. Use it.
All of the other folders you've come to know are still in the Bulletins, including Recruiters (who post their contact
and profile information for the benefit of potential clients and job seekers), Links, Industry News, Career Opportunities,
and so on.
Top 10 Reasons Hourly Employees Leave by Mel Kleiman, CSP, Humetrics
Ever wonder why it's so difficult to retain your best performers? Ten things that should be monitored on the management side.
Why I Like My Job by Yvonne
LaRose, CAC, Executive Recruiting Entrances
It was an informal poll to get some sense of why workers have job satisfaction. The answers were eye opening.
4 Resume Tips From Career Pros by Kevin Donlin
You only have 13 seconds for their attention. Use that time wisely by using these four tips from resume experts.
4 Job Search Lessons by Kevin Donlin
Maybe the key to a short, effective, and successful job search is viewing the function as a four-part process.
There are two articles coming (that should have been included in this newsletter. One is the tips for women aspiring to management
positions and desiring to be viewed as strong and effective. The other is the reading recommendations made by the pros. Here
are some sneak peaks into what you'll read in:
Women and Management
"The number one thing bad managers have in common is lack of confidence that causes them to micro-manage and drag
down the people that report to them." Dianna Rudd
"For those seeking growth in our organization I notice a common theme amongst the women, lack os self promotion."
Celeste Thompson
"Become known as a thorough and "out of the box" thinker." Terry Segerberg
Recommended Readings on Leadership
Play Like A Man, Win Like A Woman' by Gail Evans
How to Say It For Women: Communicating with Confidence and Power Using the Language of Success" by Phyllis Mindell
Two discussion topics are posted in the "General" folder. Share your views:
Winning Ways
I recently had an opportunity to talk with a very attractive graduating high school senior. She was making a final exam presentation
on a business model and product. Her desire was to get the best grade in the class. Her product was unique. I tried being
her Devil's advocate a few weeks ago in order to help her spot any holes in the product or her marketing argument. Everything
seemed "tight" with regard to the basics of the presentation.
The weekend before the big day, she went out and bought a new outfit. It consisted of some nice slacks and strappy heels that
matched her camisole, spaghetti-strap top. I suggested that she put on a cute little jacket that would cover the spaghetti
straps but still show the attractiveness of the top. She refused the jacket. Her reasoning:
the majority of the class population was male and she was striving to get their votes
the outfit would appeal to the male population
Was this the right approach to winning the competition? If so, would this approach transfer to getting a job or a promotion?
It sounded like she was using a little psychology and subtle persuasion via sex appeal. How much does sex appeal or attractiveness
(whether from a male or female stance) help in gaining acceptance or getting ahead?
Women and Promotion
Your input regarding two questions relating to women and their promotability into management or higher into the management
ranks would be appreciated:
What can women do to not be perceived as weak and ineffective?
What can women do to show that they are promotable and management material?
These questions were posed to human resource professionals, recruiters, and others. The responses will be part of an article
being produced in the very near future.
HR.com launched their redesigned site in early July. Gone are the multi-colored index tabs at the top of the site. Gone are
the multi-colored anythings. Instead, there's a sleek pale blue used as the single site color. Easy navigation. As of July,
they announced that live chat will be added in the near future. Discussion boards are now available.
I asked the person in charge of designing the site what their favorite new feature is. They couldn't say (too much excitement
about the overall project, I'd guess). Their recommendation was for me to go to the site and take a look around (unfortunately,
I'd already done that and wanted to highlight their biggest feature to you. Why not mosey over and join the poll.
How would you rate the new HR.com Website (5=highest rating)?
Just-in-Time Jobs
Since the Internet bust, more employers are ignoring the traditional hiring season to scout talent year-round
Hotter Jobs, New Faces, More Cash
An improving economy means better prospects for MBAs, a survey finds. Plus: a new dean at Rice and a wealth of grants and
Appeals Court Gives New Life to Law Student's Bid to Take Exam After igraine
A federal appeals court in June reinstated a lawsuit from a woman who claimed a migraine headache kept her from finishing
a law school final exam. Carin Manders Constantine's pleas for additional time to complete the constitutional law final were
rejected by George Mason University law school officials, and her lawsuit similarly seeking another chance was dismissed.
The October LSAT is coming soon. Do your preparation with the Online LSAT Course.
Management & Leadership Education
Whether you're aspiring to advance into management, already there and what to hone some of your skills, get re-certified,
or are looking for additional executive enhancements, there are quite a few opportunities for you. Consider:
Taking on Greater Responsibility (for non-managers)
Improving Managerial Effectiveness
Mastering Organizational Politics, Influence and Alliances
Management / Leadership Skills for Supervisors
Critical / Strategic Thinking / Planning
Women in Business
Effective Leadership
Leading with Emotional Intelligence
Developing Executive Leadership
Relationship Building Skills
So you're interested in building your human resource or employment law skill base. Again, among the AMA offerings are a fundamentals
course in human resource management as well as an Employment Law course. Speaking of human resource and employment law courses,
look into the national certification offerings from:
Institute for Applied Management & Law (IAML)
Producer of practical and comprehensive law seminars since 1979, with content available at live seminars, video tapes and
CDs, audio and onsite trainings
Employee Relations Law
Advanced Certificate in Employment Law Conferences
Essentials of Human Resource Management
Employee Benefits Law
For online management, leadership, and certification courses, consider the offerings from Training Center's Online Business Management Courses:
Bachelor of Science (BS) in Business - Management and Leadership
Master of Science in Management
Advanced Start B.S. in Management
B.S. in Business Administration - Human Resource Management
Master of Human Resource Management
Brainbench is offering 23 sponsored certifications until September 1. What that translates into is there are a select
number of free tests available. Which ones? Some are:
For Business
Brainbench pre-employment assessments are fast and easy. And most importantly, they save you from losing thousands of dollars
on an otherwise bad hire. With TotalMatch series of tests, you can measure not only technical aptitude and skills but also
the personality traits that make for the ideal IT employee (TotalMatch is also available for 100+ other job types). Try it out for yourself at no risk.
Recruiter Training Bill Radin has a series of seminars across the country coming up during September 12 through October 14. His talks will cover the gamut:
How to Succeed in a Candidate-Driven Job Market
How to Write Winning Job Orders
How to Improve Your Recruiting Skills
Strengthen Your Candidate Assessment and Closing
Who Should Attend this Seminar? According to Bill, "My strategies are suitable for rookies and veterans alike. If you're new
to recruiting, or you want to learn fresh ideas or brush up on forgotten skills, this is the seminar for you!" Check out the
full descriptions for yourself.
Mike Ramer has not only moved his office, Ramer Search Consultants but will be appearing at the Staffing World Conference in Orlando, FL this coming October 19-22. Meanwhile, you can avail
yourself of his in-house or telephone training on the art of search.
Top Echelon is featuring recruiter training by three specialists between August and September. Scott Love will cover Client Development
Skills. Doug Beabout's "Getting Full Fees and Containers" (should that be "retainers"? Why not find out by attending.) on
August 31 should be a must do. And (doctor) Jeff Skrentny will provide "A Cure For The Falloff Blues" on September 14.
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Career News
It's the Culture, Stupid
Want the lowdown on a what a company is really like? Keep your ears open at the watercooler
Why HR Gets No Respect
Many business leaders have few kind words for the division. They just don't understand the vital role it can play
Was That Really an Interview?
Sometimes, things can go swimmingly, but you still find yourself left in the pool. Here's how fake job encounters occur
Deals on Wheels, New Jersey Law Journal
Corporate dealmaking has become the hottest niche at New Jersey's biggest law firms and is fueling the competition for laterals.
In a recent survey, almost everyone put corporate transactional business atop the lists of growth fields, with some observers
citing the state's health sciences companies as the source of much of the work. "That type of work is microcyclical," says
Reed Smith's Steven Picco. "It flashes hot and then goes away, and right now it's hot."
Failure Is Part of Success
Nicholas Hall, serial entrepreneur and founder of Startupfailures.com, says succeeding involves bouncing back and overcoming
No Experience? No Problem
As a job-hunting grad, you can use your neophtye status to your advantage. Take the initiative, and you'll find lots of free
Top Ten Networking Skills for 2005
This week's issue provides advice for taking stock of your accomplishments from the past year and moving forward with a strong
networking strategy for the year to come. Hear from networking expert Diane Darling about new ways to cultivate successful
connections for your career.
Expand Your Network
One of our executive clients recently reported on success in networking as part of his job search.
Old. Smart. Productive
Surprise! The graying of the workforce is better news than you think, and today's seniors are more durable than ever
Defensiveness Can Be Offensive
Relax. What you mistake for a hostile question could actually be a chance for you to make a friend
Career Insurance for CEOs
Chiefs with a good handle on what their constituents -- all of them -- want have a better chance of keeping the corner office
Mental Impairments: 'Don't Jump to Conclusions' by Anne Freedman (Human Resource ExecutiveŽ Feature Editorial)
Mental disabilities do not always fall within the stringent guidelines as set out in recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions.
Layoff Survival Guide
A Salary.com poll found 26 percent of respondents had already been laid off, 37 percent are concerned about being laid off,
and 33 percent are not at all concerned about being laid off.
Dream Jobs
Salary.com puts the spotlight on people who have the job of their dreams - whether it's a childhood wish come true or an interesting
challenge that came about later in life.
Interpreting Numbers
Before negotiating an executive salary with a current or new employer, take some time to reflect on where your pay falls given
the market data, the opportunities you face, and your current compensation.
$200,000: The New Standard
A few years back, making $100,000 per year meant that you drove a Benz with shiny rims, put your kids through Yale no problem,
paid your country club dues. Times have changed. These days a $100,000 salary means you drive a domestic car with missing
hubcaps, have two outstanding loans to cover your child's state school education. Let's face it: $100,000 is not what it used
to be; $200,000 is the new standard.
Talking Point: Executive Level Titles
Q. I have been running a small startup company for almost four years. Four of us are consulting to the company in various
executive roles. I'm the founder and president, handling a wide range of duties, but mostly in business development. I have
the skill set and experience of most directors of business development or higher positions. My role has also exposed me to
areas in which business development professionals are not typically involved. In considering other employment opportunities,
how do I know which executive level I qualify for given my diverse background?
Fasold v. Justice, U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals (06/01/05 - No. 04-2363)
The district court erred in ruling that plaintiff failed to establish a prima facie showing of retaliation for purposes of
the Age Discrimination in Employment Act and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act. [PDF File]
Grimm v. Alro Steel Corp., U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals (06/07/05 - No. 04-2879)
In an employment discrimination suit under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, summary judgment in favor of defendant-employer
is affirmed where no reasonable jury could find that defendant was motivated by age when it terminated plaintiffs' employment.
[PDF File]
Walker v. Bd. of Regents (06/09/05 - No. 04-3143)
In a race and gender discrimination dispute, judgment as a matter of law in favor of defendant-employer is affirmed where
no reasonable jury could have concluded that plaintiff was a victim of discrimination. [PDF File]
Montgomery v. Stefaniak, (06/09/05 - No. 04-2666)
Dismissal of plaintiff's wrongful termination claim is affirmed where her termination, for purchasing a car with her fiancee
from a probationer whom she supervised, did not violate her right of intimate association, and it did not deny her procedural
and substantive due process. [PDF File]
Ineichen v. Ameritech (06/10/05 - No. 04-3094)
Dismissal of plaintiff's race, sex, and disability discrimination claims is affirmed where she failed to present evidence
that a similarly situated non-white or a male employee was treated more favorably. [PDF File]
Kelly v. Metallics West, Inc., U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals (06/08/05 - No. 04-1051)
Under the Americans With Disabilities Act, an employer must reasonably accommodate employees regarded or perceived as disabled.
Coons v. Mineta, U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals (06/13/05 - No. 04-3065)
The district court erred when it dismissed plaintiff's untimely employment discrimination suit since he made a cognizable
threshold claim for equitable tolling. [PDF File]
Court Reluctantly Trims Wal-Mart Penalty, New York Law Journal
A federal magistrate judge reduced a jury verdict by $4.7 million in a disabilities discrimination case against Wal-Mart.
Most of the reduction came from cutting the punitive damage award, a reduction that federal Judge James Orenstein called within
the "plain meaning" of applicable statutes. However, Orenstein also noted that the $300,000 federal cap on punitives in the
Americans with Disabilities Act would have little impact on the behavior of a "commercial titan" like Wal-Mart.
Brummett v. Sinclair Broad. Group, Inc., U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals (07/06/05 - No. 04-3373)
Dismissal of plaintiff's race discrimination claim is affirmed where he has not proven that a similarly situated employee
not in his protected class received more favorable treatment. [PDF File]
Rozskowiak v. Arlington Heights (07/08/05 - No. 04-2043)
Dismissal of plaintiff's national-origin discrimination claim is affirmed where he failed to produce any evidence that similarly-situated
employees of a different descent were treated more favorably. [PDF File]
Philip v. Ford Motor Co., U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals (07/07/05 - No. 04-1735)
Plaintiff-employee failed to make a prima facie case of racial discrimination where he failed to show that employees similarly
situated to him were treated differently. [PDF File]
Coghlan v. Am. Seafoods Co. (07/07/05 - No. 03-35314)
In an employment discrimination case, the showing necessary for an employee to prevail against his employer's motion for summary
judgment is heightened when the person who demoted him had previously appointed and promoted him. [PDF File]
Business Law News
Recruiting in the Face of PR Disasters, The National Law Journal
Recruiting top talent can be competitive even during the best of times -- but for law firms that find themselves defending
their reputations after bad news hits, wooing sharp lawyers can be an onerous, yet crucial, task for their survival. Whether
the damage comes from a firm's own wrongdoing, the loss of a major client or the departure of key players, once word gets
out, the problems can compound themselves as other clients and partners start eyeing the exits. How have law firms handled
these challenges?
Japan Passes M&A-Friendly Bill, The Deal
The upper house of the Japanese parliament passed a set of corporate laws including one to legalize cross-border stock swaps
that will make it easier for non-Japanese companies to acquire domestic ones. The government hopes the reforms will kick-start
the moribund Japanese economy by boosting foreign direct investment. The United States and the European Union have been lobbying
hard for the legalization of cross-border stock swaps, also known as triangular mergers.
Am Law 100: Adding Value, The American Lawyer
This year's Am Law 100 features a new measurement of success: Value Per Lawyer. This indicator shows, on average, how much
each lawyer contributes to partner compensation. Or to state the proposition more boldly: How many Am Law 100 lawyers does
it take to put $10 million in the pockets of firm partners? Find out more about the top-ranked law firms on this year's list
-- and how, under this new measurement, some Am Law 100 lawyers are more equal than others.
For 9th Circuit: Lots of Scrutiny and 9-0 Reversals by High Court, The Recorder
The 9th Circuit fared worse in the latest Supreme Court session than it has in the past five years, with a reversal rate of
84 percent. But court watchers say statistics tell only part of the story; to many, what's more significant than the reversal
rates is that the 9th Circuit continues to dominate the high court's docket. "What these cases show is that there are issues
coming up [in the 9th Circuit] that just aren't coming from other places," says law professor Arthur Hellman.
Tower Snow to Get Jury Trial in Brobeck Battle, The Recorder
Tower Snow, the former chairman of Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison, has a right to a jury trial in the $2.7 million suit brought
against him by the firm's bankruptcy trustee, Judge Dennis Montali ruled Thursday. Montali said he couldn't accept the trustee's
argument that because Snow had been included in a settlement agreement that the trustee reached with Clifford Chance, he had
waived his rights to a jury trial. "The Seventh Amendment is not that easily traded off," Montali said.
Ebbers Forfeits Assets to Settle Class Action, New York Law Journal
Former WorldCom Chief Executive Bernard Ebbers agreed Thursday to forfeit most of his assets in a settlement entered into
with class action plaintiffs and the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York. The settlement terms call for a
$5 million up-front payment and proceeds from the sale of his assets, estimated to range from $25 million to $40 million.
The class will receive 75 percent of the proceeds from assets scheduled to be sold -- including a lumber company, a marina
and a golf course.
Lesson From Mock Jury: You're a Lawyer? Better Pay Up, Texas
A long-running dispute over attorney fees has ended with an Austin lawyer agreeing to pay up. Melissa Hamilton had sued partners
with Fritz, Byrne, Head & Harrison after the firm sued her for alleged nonpayment of fees for a securities arbitration. Hamilton's
lawyer says she decided to pay the law firm following a mock jury survey, in which respondents seemed sympathetic toward Hamilton
-- until they learned she's a lawyer involved in a case against other lawyers.
Judge Loses Seat After Showing 'Shocking Disregard' for Law, New York Law Journal
In a harshly worded opinion, New York's Court of Appeals on Wednesday ended Brooklyn Surrogate Michael H. Feinberg's judicial
career. The state's high court said that in rubber-stamping, with no oversight, some $8.5 million in attorney fees to a friend,
Feinberg "demonstrate[d] a shocking disregard for the very law that imbued him with judicial authority." It rejected Feinberg's
defense that he neglected to read the Surrogate's Court Procedure Act and was simply ignorant of his responsibilities.
2nd Circuit Rejects Infringement Claim Triggered by 'Pop-Up' Internet Ads, New York Law Journal
The 2nd Circuit has rejected a trademark infringement action brought against a company that causes "pop-up" advertisements
to appear on a plaintiff's Web site. A panel found that causing pop-up ads, even ads for companies in direct competition with
the business of the aggrieved plaintiff, does not amount to a "use" within the meaning of the Lanham Act. The case has been
closely watched by Internet marketers and retailers with several weighing in with amicus briefs.
Don't Let Your Startup Kill You
A recent British study confirms what entrepreneurs have long suspected -- the stress of starting a business can take a heavy
health toll
Giving Employees What They Want: The Returns Are Huge By David Sirota
(Republished with permission from Knowledge@Wharton (http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu), the online research and business
analysis journal of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania).
Wal-Mart Demands Diversity in Law Firms, Fulton County Daily Report
Law firms that pack their lower ranks with minorities and women while leaving white men in charge may soon find the nation's
biggest retailer a tough customer. Wal-Mart has told its top 100 law firms that at least one person of color and one woman
must be among the top five relationship attorneys handling its business. Wal-Mart's new policy, which echoes statements made
by top lawyers at other major companies, signals a growing determination by corporate legal departments to pressure outside
Wal-Mart Spurns White Guys? No Problem, The Recorder
Wal-Mart's recent announcement that it wants the 100 firms that do most of its legal work to move more minority lawyers into
leadership positions isn't as threatening to the old-boy network as might be expected. Wal-Mart's constant demands for lower
rates and flat fees, along with its willingness to change firms, have been especially galling to lawyers. They say the company
deals with the defense bar the same way it deals with ice cream bars: forcing vendors to compete for business by slashing
Law Firms Find New Revenue in 'Unbundling', The National Law Journal
More and more states are adopting rules that allow lawyers to "unbundle" their services, enabling them to represent typically
cash-strapped clients for only certain parts of their litigation. The rules' critics say clients are better served when represented
throughout their litigation. But proponents say unbundling provides a public service to clients who would otherwise have no
representation. Fans of the rules also say unbundling is a potential stream of untapped revenue for law firms.
Computers and the Internet
Is it time for you to upgrade your computing equipment -- or accessorize so that you can more readily synchronize? The more
efficient your equipment is, the more effective you'll be. The more effective others will see you as being. It's one thing
to say you can do it. It's another to have the right equipment in order to deliver. Two things I recommend. Check out the
Notebook Deals at Gateway. They're now offering notebooks for as low as $599.99.
I'm here to serve your needs. If there is a particular business, recruiting or career matter you would like to see discussed
or made available on the site, please feel free to send me a note requesting it, Viva Voce
Thanks for reading.
May all of your endeavors be Entrances through the doors of opportunity, advancement and success!